Agenda and minutes
Venue: Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Ben Caulfield
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: There were apologies from Councillors Noordad Aziz and Melissa Fisher. Councillors Bernard Dawson and Dave Parkins substituted. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations. |
Minutes of the last Meeting To submit the minutes of the Special Scrutiny Committee held on 19th December 2023 for approval as a correct record.
Recommended - That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 19th December 2023 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved - the minutes of the Special Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 19th December 2023 be received and signed as a correct record.
Levelling Up Funded Projects To respond to the request from the Special Scrutiny Committee for a general update on the Council’s LUF work.
Recommended - That the Special Scrutiny Committee note the report and raise any questions from the report before the scheduled meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed Councillor Mohammed Younis, Portfolio Holder for Levelling Up and Steve Riley, Executive Director to present this report.
Councillor Younis thanked the Committee for their consideration of the report and invited Steve to present. Steve drew attention to the report, which provided the most up to date information on the current town square project, and added the following highlights:
Recent events, “Getting Connected” aimed at businesses and job seekers wishing to get involved with the project have attracted over 200 people between an online and in person event at Accrington Town Hall.
All market hall traders who will be occupying the cabins are now in situ. Initial signage has been deployed, more signage and maps will be added. There has been a slight delay due to the weather. Canopies are due to be installed next week and a family fun day will take place on 16th March.
The pavilion demolition has begun, and internal surveys are underway. Planning permissions are now in place for Burtons Chambers and Market Chambers, and the final planning application and listed building consent application for the Market Hall is due for consideration in the next few weeks.
Most freehold interests in the buildings are being concluded, with negotiations with one final freeholder in Market Chambers still ongoing.
The Chair asked about the additional £20 million funding which has been announced. Steve responded that this funding is £20 million over 10 years beginning April 2024 and the Town Board would be considering options over the coming months for this funding, with the Council required to submit a long term plan by August 2024.
Councillor Parkins asked if the slate on the roofs of the pavilion will be sold on. Steve responded that whilst this was unlikely due to costs, the contractor has an internal company recycling rate target of 95%.
Councillor Dawson asked about vehicle access to the site. Steve responded that the contractor’s compound will be in the pavilion location. The Market team are encouraging traders to use the service yard for loading/unloading as was previously, and the Market Manager will be writing to traders to reinforce this.
Councillor Haythornthwaite referred to general parking problems in the town centre. The Chair responded that HBC car parks have had their restrictions lifted, and this committee had asked LCC previously to review on street parking arrangements. Shahed Mahmood added that signage on HBC car parks was not clear on parking arrangements.
Councillor Booth asked how successful events such as the Soap Box Challenge will run whilst work is ongoing. Steve responded that they would still be going ahead but just in different town centre locations.
The Chair asked if the Council are highlighting stalls that have relocated elsewhere, including the Arcade. Steve responded that the Council are doing this.
Councillor Younis added a several points.
He said that overall, feedback from traders has been very good and the market stalls are busy. He said that the toilets in Peel Street will be reopened during ... view the full minutes text for item 335. |