Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Holly Townsley, Democratic Services (01254) 380184
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence, Substitutions, Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: Apologies were submitted for Councillors Clare Pritchard, Scott Brerton and Joyce Plumber.
Councillor Marlene Haworth substituted for Councillor Loraine Cox. Councillor Stewart Eaves substituted for Councillor Jodi Clements.
No Declarations of Interest or Dispensations were declared. |
Minutes of the Last Meeting The Minutes of the last Planning Meeting held on the 2nd of October 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record Minutes: The minutes for the last Planning Committee held on the 2nd of October 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record. |
Town and Country Planning Act 1990- Planning Applications for Determination The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted a series of reports setting out recommended action on the Planning applications below. Minutes: The Planning Manager submitted reports setting out recommended action on the following Planning applications. |
11/24/0192 - LAND AT HYNDBURN ROAD, NEAR JUBILEE ROAD, ACCRINGTON, BB5 4EG ADVERTISEMENT CONSENT: The erection and display of a single freestanding 3 x 6 metre LED display unit.
Minutes: Mr Adam Birkett, Planning Manager presented the report to the committee.
The application was for Advertisement Consent for the erection and display of a single freestanding 3 x 6 metre LED display unit. Located on the corner of the highway junction where Hyndburn Road and Dunkenhalgh Way meet Henry Street and Manor Place.
Mr Birkett clarified to the committee that advertisement consent can only be decided based on material conditions. Specifically; Amenity and Public Safety.
No objections were received from Lancashire County Council Highways or Hyndburn Borough Councils Environmental Health team.
Objections were raised by Hyndburn Borough Councils Ecology Department due to the impact on the Woodland Tree Protection Orders in place.
6 letters of objections were received from neighbours.
The application was recommended for refusal by officers.
Members of the committee discussed the high volume of traffic at the proposed location and how road traffic accidents have happened here before. Members also discussed that simply planting trees in other areas does not guarantee the wildlife will move to the new site.
Resolved – The application was refused following officer recommendations by unanimous decision.
N.B – 1. Peter Livsey – Spoke against the application. · Representative of the residents of Jubilee Road. · Sites the location is a busy junction with high traffic and a common location for accidents. · Trees proposed to be removed provide a high value ecological area with birds, voles, wood mice and many other animals using the area as a habitat. · The area is used by residents for bird watching. By removing the trees this neighbourhood amenity is lost.
2. Graeme Hughes – Spoke in favour of the application. · Provided a list of steps he would be willing to take to aid the application such as keeping the area litter free, planting 51 additional trees elsewhere and additional funds for the council to use how it sees fit. This was not included in the original planning application. · Lancashire County Council Highways department have raised no objections to the location in regards to safety of drivers or pedestrians. · Provides income to the Council with the purchase of the land and Business Rates. · Area is strewn with litter and so seems uncared for by residents. · The majority of trees needing to be removed mainly comprises of small immature trees. |
11/24/0340 - 2A Allsprings Drive, Great Harwood, BB6 7RN FULL: Change the use of a (C3a) dwelling to a children's home for a maximum of two children, with three carers, two of whom will sleep overnight, working on a rota basis (C2) Minutes: Mr Adam Birkett, Planning Manager presented the report to the committee.
The application proposes the change of use of the dwelling house to a Children’s Care Home for a maximum of two children and three carers, two of whom will sleep overnight, working on a rota basis (C2).
This application was deferred pending a site visit at the 2nd of October 2024 Planning Committee Meeting. The site visit was undertaken on the 6th of November 2024.
No objections received from Lancashire County Council Highways and Hyndburn Borough Councils Environmental Health Team.
5 objections were received from neighbours as per the 2nd of October 2024, 2 further representations were received, another objection and one statement of support.
The application is recommended for approval subject to the 4 conditions noted in the report.
Resolved – The application was approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.
N.B 1. Iklaq Ahmed – Spoke in favour of the application · Highlighted that an open house was arranged for neighbours to ask questions and see the site. · Experience of working in the healthcare sector for 15 years. · Aims to provide a place for local children to be loved, cared for and provided with stability. · Emphasis on hiring local staff. · All meetings will be held at the Blackburn office to reduce parking on the street. · Committed to being good neighbours and blending into the community. · Community engagement with residents at the core of the model. |
11/24/0393 - Land South of Hyndburn Road, Hyndburn Road, Accrington Major Full: Variation of planning permission 11/22/0057 to allow the introduction of 6 planning conditions to the Decision Notice.
This application is brought before Planning Committee for consideration as it includes an S106 legal agreement.
Minutes: Mr Adam Birkett, Planning manager presented the report to the committee.
The application has been brought to the committee to allow for 6 additional planning conditions to be added to the decision notice under S73 of the Act.
Mr Birkett informed the committee the application was approved in September 2023 under planning reference 11/22/0056. The original decision notice was given in June 2024 but had missed 6 additional conditions which were presented on an update sheet during the original meeting.
The applicant has agreed to present a new application to allow for these conditions to be added onto the existing planning permission. The committee will only be able to consider the conditions and not the original application.
The application is recommended for approval.
Resolved – The application was approved subject to the conditions set out in the report and the satisfactory completion of a s.106 legal agreement for the matters set out in the report.
N.B 1. Councillor Munsif Dad BEM JP · Highlighted that he lives locally to the site which is currently derelict land. · Local residents have been waiting over 12 months to see this come to fruition. · Requests that members of the committee accept the officer’s recommendation. |