Declarations of interest Date range: Committee: Select a committee All Accrington Town Team Audit Committee Auditor Panel Benefits Cabinet Cabinet Committee (Digital Economy) Cabinet Committee (Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013) Cabinet Committee (Street Naming) Cabinet Waste and Recycling Group Communities and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee Constitution Council Covenant Commemoration Working Group Health and Communities Working Group Hearing Sub Committee Judicial Committee (External Funding) Judicial Committee (Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing) Leader's Decisions Leader's Policy Development Board Learning and Development Panel Licensing Committee Licensing Sub Committee Management Review Committee Mental Health Accomodation Group Notification of Private Meetings Planning (Trees) Sub-Committee Planning Committee Regeneration and Housing Panel Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee Scrutiny Panel - Green Review Special Scrutiny Committee Standards Committee Youth Homeless Group Category: Any Non Pecuniary Pecuniary Personal Personal and Prejudicial Prejudicial Councillor: Any Addison, Judith Addison Alexander, Vanessa Alexander Allen, Dominik Allen Allen, Josh Allen Anderson, Heather Anderson Aziz, Noordad Aziz Blake, Edward Blake Booth, Mike Booth Brerton, Scott Brerton Britcliffe, Peter Britcliffe Button, Stephen Button Cassidy, Danny Cassidy Clegg, Andrew Clegg Clements, Jodi Clements Cox, Loraine Cox Cox, Paul Cox Dad, Munsif Dad BEM JP Dawson, Bernard Dawson MBE Eaves, Stewart Eaves Edwards, Peter Edwards Fazal, Shabir Fazal OBE Fisher, Melissa Fisher Gilbert, Andy Gilbert Haworth, Marlene Haworth Hayes, Susan Hayes Haythornthwaite, Carole Haythornthwaite Heap, David James Heap Hurn, Terry Hurn Khan, Abdul Khan Khan, Zak Khan Mahmood, Sajid Mahmood McKenna, Clare McKenna McKenzie, Colin McKenzie Montague, Caroline Montague Parkins, Dave Parkins Plummer, Joyce Plummer Pratt, Kath Pratt Pritchard, Clare Pritchard Rawcliffe, Ethan Rawcliffe Short, Paddy Short Smithson, Steven Smithson Walker, Tina Walker Walsh, Kate Walsh Whitehead, Kimberley Whitehead Yates, Clare Yates Younis, Mohammed Younis AnyAnyAddison, Judith AddisonAlexander, Vanessa AlexanderAllen, Dominik AllenAllen, Josh AllenAnderson, Heather AndersonAziz, Noordad AzizBlake, Edward BlakeBooth, Mike BoothBrerton, Scott BrertonBritcliffe, Peter BritcliffeButton, Stephen ButtonCassidy, Danny CassidyClegg, Andrew CleggClements, Jodi ClementsCox, Loraine CoxCox, Paul CoxDad, Munsif Dad BEM JPDawson, Bernard Dawson MBEEaves, Stewart EavesEdwards, Peter EdwardsFazal, Shabir Fazal OBEFisher, Melissa FisherGilbert, Andy GilbertHaworth, Marlene HaworthHayes, Susan HayesHaythornthwaite, Carole HaythornthwaiteHeap, David James HeapHurn, Terry HurnKhan, Abdul KhanKhan, Zak KhanMahmood, Sajid MahmoodMcKenna, Clare McKennaMcKenzie, Colin McKenzieMontague, Caroline MontagueParkins, Dave ParkinsPlummer, Joyce PlummerPratt, Kath PrattPritchard, Clare PritchardRawcliffe, Ethan RawcliffeShort, Paddy ShortSmithson, Steven SmithsonWalker, Tina WalkerWalsh, Kate WalshWhitehead, Kimberley WhiteheadYates, Clare YatesYounis, Mohammed Younis Declarations There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period