Agenda item
Leisure Transformation Update
- Meeting of Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 16th March, 2023 3.00 pm (Item 326.)
To update members on the Leisure Transformation projects in Hyndburn.
The Chair welcomed Lyndsey Sims, Chief Executive of Hyndburn Leisure who would be presenting a report on Leisure Transformation. The presentation slides were included in the agenda and covered the following topics:
- History of Hyndburn Leisure
- Refocussed work streams on non-leisure activity including Hyndburn Hub, HAF and Sport Development
- Close working with partners
- Integrated health and care
- Increases in participation across swimming and fitness
- High number of young/local employees
- High outside commissions and grants achieved including HAF, which distributes over £300k to other organisations
- Workforce development
- Decarbonisation and Hyndburn Leisure Centre now operating with no gas.
Lyndsey then focussed on current progress on the Leisure Transformation projects, which is split into phases 1-4.
Phase 1 included the capital works at Clayton Civic Hall, funded with a range of external grants and now complete, providing a home for the successful Clayton Amateur Boxing Club. The decarbonisation of Hyndburn Leisure Centre was also in phase 1. The £2 million scheme funded from the Public Sector Decarbonisation fund is now complete, removing outdated gas boilers and replaced with 2 air source heat pumps and 560 PV solar panels. She also referred to close working at 2 schools, Accrington Academy and Hyndburn Academy. In addition, phase 1 included beginning to develop a vision for the future use of Mercer Hall.
Phase 2 is now in progress, the first element of which was to apply to Sport England’s Strategic Facility Fund. The EOI was submitted in September 2022 and a full application has now been submitted, which the outcome expected imminently. Initially, Sport England were encouraging bids for £1.5 million for the planned new centre and £0.5million towards the redevelopment of Hyndburn Leisure Centre. However, Sport England’s interest now lies mainly with the new centre and they have encouraged a £2 million bid.
Pre-construction works have begun and the planning application submitted. As part of phase 2 and application is also being made to the Community Ownership Fund for Bank Mill Centre. The remainder of phase 2 is as follows:
• Develop and submit a capital funding application to the Youth Investment Fund for Hyndburn Leisure Centre – Application being prepared to submit in June 2023.
• Develop and submit a capital funding application to the Football Foundation for Wilson Playing Fields – at early stages of identifying investment opportunities
• Work with Hyndburn Academy to identify opportunities to develop the sport & leisure facilities at the Academy – new gym opening in April 2023
• Establish a task group to develop a vision for the future of Mercer Hall – in progress
Lyndsey thanked the committee for inviting her to present and said that she welcomed any questions.
Councillor Judith Addison asked about a cultural strategy for Hyndburn Leisure. Lyndsey responded that culture and heritage will have a section in Hyndburn Leisure’s overall strategy, and the Council has committed to a borough wide culture strategy which Hyndburn Leisure will support.
Councillor Noordad Aziz said that the latest information from the planning portal is that Sport England have objected to the planning application for Wilsons, and wanted to know if this effected the potential £2million bid. Lyndsey said they are aware of the objection, this is a separate department of Sport England and she was confident they could resolve this objection, along with the other objections to the application.
The Chair praised the work carried out by Lyndsey and her team, and welcomed the new facility development which will benefit many residents from across Hyndburn. He said he was particularly supportive of the green aspects of the building, which is planned to be carbon neutral.
The Leader of the Council said he understood there was disappointment over Mercer Hall but committed to repurposing it and was hopeful of some local ideas coming forward. He will be attending a local CAG meeting soon.
Resolved - That the report be noted.
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