Agenda item
Mercer Park Skate Boarding Facility
Report attached
The Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services
submitted a report to ask Cabinet to support the proposal to submit a funding bid(s) to a number of funding bodies to refurbish the skate boarding facility at Mercer Park in Clayton le Moors.
Approval of the report was not deemed a key decision.
Reasons for Decision
The Friends of Mercer Park are the longest standing friends group in the Borough associated with a park. Over the years the Friends of Mercer Park have worked with the Council to undertake numerous community projects and fund raising events which have benefitted the park. The outcome of a consultation undertaken by the Friends of Mercer Park showed that local residents would like to see the refurbishment of skate park facilities in Mercer Park.
Proffitts CIC are a community interest company who have expertise in green space improvement projects and audience development. They have offered to undertake the work necessary to secure funding for this project at no cost to the Council. This is because the mechanism used by the funding bodies allows any fees for time spent on developing a funding bid to be claimed directly from them during the delivery phase of the project. Securing grant funding for a project of this size can take up to 200 hours work and undertaking the grant funding applications via this method offers a saving to the Council of approximately £5000.
Should the project be approved for funding, it is proposed that the Council appoints Proffitts CIC to act as project manager for the delivery phase of the Project. This will require the Council to waive the tendering requirement in its Contract Procedure Rules but this appears to be a sensible approach given Proffitts will be very familiar with the project at that time having worked up the bid(s) in partnership with the Council.
In addition not for profit organisations (in this case a CIC) provide best value in relation to project management fees as they only need to cover costs rather than include a profit margin, which releases more of the grant funding to undertake construction work relating to the project. This is why this way of working is being recommended to Cabinet.
Alternative Options Considered and Reasons for Rejection
Do not apply for funding and leave the skate park facility in Mercer Park in its current condition. This was rejected as the size of skate facility is quite small and the additional funding means the refurbished skate park would be a larger facility with more play value for the children and young people who use the site.
Resolved (1) That Cabinet supported the proposal to submit a funding bid(s) to a number of funding bodies for the refurbishment and improvement of skate boarding facility in Mercer Park as outlined in the report (“the Project”); and
(2) That Cabinet agreed to the Council being joint applicant with Proffitts CIC in respect of the proposed application(s) for funding in accordance with the funding bodies terms and conditions in connection with the Project. The amount of funding to be applied for has not yet been finalised but is expected to be in the region of £150,000; and
(3) That Cabinet noted the proposal to appoint Proffitts CIC as project manager for the Project in the event of the funding bid being successful, as set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report; and
(4) That Cabinet agreed in principle to allocate £25,000 to the Project from the Council’s 2019/20 capital programme as match funding, subject to approval of the Council’s budget for 2019/20; and
(5) That Cabinet granted delegated authority to the Deputy Head of Environmental Services to take all reasonable steps to progress the funding bid (s) for the Project, including obtaining all necessary permissions and consents; and
(6) That Cabinet requested a further report be presented to a future Cabinet meeting once the outcome of any funding bid(s) was known.
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