Agenda item
Appointment of Enforcement Contractor to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for Littering and Dog Fouling
Report attached.
The Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services
submitted a report to seek Cabinet permission to waive the Council’s Contract Procurement rules and for the Head of Environmental Services, in consultation with the Executive Director (Legal & Democratic Services), to enter into a 12 month pilot agreement with Kingdom Services Group Limited of Kingdom House, 1 Woodlands Park, Ashton Road, Newton-le-Willows, WA12 0HF
Approval of the report was not deemed a key decision.
Reasons for Decision
Following a review of the Council’s litter and dog fouling enforcement action, Cabinet
requested officers to submit a proposal to tackle the small minority of irresponsible
residents whose actions blemish the local environment.
The Council does not have sufficient resources in-house to undertake a major drive to tackle litter and dog fouling within the town centres, parks and open spaces. Therefore, officers sought advice and visited neighbouring authorities that had entered into an agreement with third parties for the provision of these services.
There are a limited number of environmental enforcement contractors within the industry and one of the market leaders, Kingdom Services Group, has provided recent successful pilots for Burnley Council, Blackburn with Darwen Council and other local authorities in the North West.
Waiving the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and appointing Kingdom, will enable the Council to appoint a contractor quickly and would provide sufficient time for an agreement to be signed and allow for operations to be up and running in time for the opening of the new Accrington Town Centre square. The relatively short pilot programme of the sort proposed here would also enable the Council to gain a better picture of its long-term operational and resource requirements for a service of this type, so the Council will be better able to procure a service that meet its needs in the longer term.
Alternative Options Considered and Reasons for Rejection
It is important that this appointment is carried out quickly to ensure Kingdom has sufficient time to mobilise its resources and commence enforcement in line with the opening of the new town square in Accrington.
It would be disproportionate and there is insufficient time to go into a full procurement process at this stage for a 12 month pilot programme. It would not be sensible for the Council to procure a long-term service provider at this stage as it has limited information about the costs, effectiveness and operation of a service of this type.
The alternative option would be to seek quotations from other suitable qualified service providers within the industry for the pilot. However, Cabinet members felt the presentation deliver by Kingdom promoting the 12 month pilot would provide the Council with useful feedback on any future proposed model of enforcement. If this pilot were to be deemed a success by members and wished for it to continue, a full tender exercise seeking submissions from across the industry would then be carried out. There is also merit in using Kingdom as they are already providing services in nearby Burnley and Blackburn, which has the benefit of consistency of approach and could provide for flexible staffing arrangements.
Resolved (1) That Cabinet agreed to waive the Council’s Contract Procedures Rules to permit the appointment of Kingdom Services Group Limited to provide litter and dog fouling enforcement services to the Council for a 12 month pilot period for the reasons set out in the report; and
(2) That Cabinet delegated authority to the Head of Environmental Services in consultation with the Executive Director (Legal & Democratic Services) to agree the terms of the agreement with Kingdom Services Group Limited for the pilot period; and
(3) That Cabinet requested a further report as to the
success of the pilot before any decision is taken as to the continuation of the litter and dog fouling enforcement programme after the pilot period.
Supporting documents:
Cabinet Report - Waive Contract Procedure Rules - Kingdom, item 74.
Customer First Analysis - Kingdom Enforcement, item 74.
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