Agenda item
Lancashire Syrian Resettlement Programme - Procurement Rules Exemption
Report attached.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Regeneration submitted a report to seek Cabinet approval for the waiver of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in respect of the purchase of voluntary sector support for the Syrian Refugee households arriving in Hyndburn in July 2018.
Approval of the report was not deemed a key decision.
Reasons for Decision
Lancashire County Council was the lead authority in Lancashire for the co-ordination and resettlement of Syrian Refugees through the Lancashire Syrian Resettlement Programme on behalf of all Local Authorities in the County.
In January 2016 the Lancashire Chief Executives Group pledged to resettle 500 refugees under the ‘Syrian Resettlement Programme’ (SRP) across Lancashire. Additionally in September 2016 it pledged to resettle 75 refugees (including children and their families) under the Vulnerable Children Resettlement Programme (VCRS).
This is a 5 year programme and by the end of 2017 a total of 311 refugees (including 24 through the VCRS) had been resettled in Lancashire. This amounts to 67 households. Approximately another 70 cases / families need to be resettled over the next 2/3 years.
Hyndburn received 10 families (through the SRP) that arrived on Tuesday 17th July.
A report to Cabinet on 11 April 2018 detailed HBC’s responsibilities that included the
provision of voluntary sector support to the refugee households to complement and
enhance the casework support service.
The Cabinet report also detailed the proposal to work with The Pennine Service Delivery Partnership (PSDP) – an informal grouping of seven local third sector organisations (Women’s Centre, Adventure Hyndburn, Homewise, Maundy Relief, HARV, Community Solutions and CAB) to co-ordinate the delivery of this to the Syrian Refugee households.
It is proposed that the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules are waived in order to award the contract for the provision of the voluntary sector support service detailed to the bodies comprising the PSDP without first testing the market. These organisations all have a credible track record of providing support to the most vulnerable residents in the Borough (including asylum seekers) and have worked with Hyndburn Borough Council and other local partners for many years.
Maundy Relief has agreed to be the ‘accountable body’ for these arrangements and it is proposed that the ‘grant agreement’ will be with them, with Maundy Relief responsible for distributing the funding appropriately to the other
A procurement / tendering exercise does not appear to be sensible in the circumstances as it could add to the costs in undertaking the procurement process and will cause delays in commencing service provision that needs to be in place before the arrival date in July.
The Council will enter into a legal agreement with Maundy Relief which will specify details of the services to be provided.
Alternative Options Considered and Reasons for Rejection
The Council could carry out a procurement exercise to choose a support provider for the additional services, but this is not recommended as stated in reasons for the decision.
Resolved (1) That Cabinet agreed to accept grant funding of £20,000 from Lancashire County Council to provide voluntary sector support for the Syrian refugee households;and
(2) That the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules be waived in respect of the appointment of Maundy Relief (on behalf of Pennine Service Delivery Partnership – PSDP) for a period of 2 years to deliver this support; and
(3) That the Head of Regeneration and Housing be delegated authority following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Housing Services to agree the terms of the Council’s agreement with Maundy Relief.
Supporting documents: