Agenda item
Reports of Cabinet Members
To receive verbal reports from each of the Portfolio Holders, as appropriate.
Deputy Leader of Council and Portfolio Holder for Transformation, Education and Skills
Councillor Noordad Aziz reported on the following:
Wilson Sports Village
Since the announcement that ISG, the main construction contractor for Wilson Sport Village, had gone into administration on 20th September 2024, the Council had been working with its project delivery partner Alliance Leisure Ltd regarding the recommencement of works. Councillor Aziz had been directly involved in these meetings. The Council had now taken back control of the site for the purposes of ensuring its safety and security. The project team comprising Council officers and representatives of Alliance Leisure was working hard to get the facility operational with the minimum disruption. The group had made good progress in identifying possible contractors.
A further update should be available to Cabinet at the end of November and might be in the form of a written report. In summary, progress had been good and the construction works should recommence early in 2025.
Councillor Khan thanked Councillor Aziz for his update and acknowledged that the situation was as a result of circumstances outside the Council’s control. He enquired what responsibilities the Council now had for the site. He also asked who would bear the cost of the situation. Councillor Aziz responded that the construction site was covered by the Council’s insurance and required security and management of the relevant health and safety risks. The remainder of the site, including the running track, was still open to the public. The costs were specified within the main contract and covered by contingencies and a further update would be provided when available.
Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services
Councillor Stewart Eaves reported on the following:
Fleet Vehicles
A new road sweeper vehicle had now joined the Council’s fleet. The Service had also looked into food recycling vehicles and was trialling a Dennis vehicle to see if it could manoeuvre along local back streets. However, the lift mechanism could not be operated until the back had been cleared. In response to a query from Councillor Khan, it was reported that the damaged new refuse lorry had now been repaired and was back in service.
The Central Vehicle Maintenance Unit (CVMU) was due to employ two new mechanics, one of whom was an apprentice.
Litter and Fly Tipping
Suez had been approached and had agreed to provide 12 free skips for ‘community skip days’. The Portfolio Holder had also undertaken to monitor on a monthly basis the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs). A number of refusals to pay had now been escalated to the bailiff stage. Councillor Khan asked if details of how to arrange a ‘skip day’ could be circulated to all councillors. Councillor Eaves was happy to pass on this information.
Portfolio Holder forCulture, Heritage and Arts
Councillor Kimberley Whitehead reported on the following:
Masefield Close Play Area, Great Harwood
Councillor Whitehead had recently attended the opening of Masefield Close Play Area, Great Harwood, together with Councillors Heather Anderson and Scott Brerton. Generous funding of over £98,000 had been provided by the FCC Communities Foundation. The new play space would ensure that local children had access to modern, inclusive, and exciting play facilities. Due to its success, a new ladder had now been added to the large slide to enable smaller children to gain access. Thanks were extended to the FCC for their investment and to local residents, families, and schools who had helped to shape the design of the play area.
Councillor Brerton thanked everyone involved in the creation of this facility and gave a special mention to former councillor, Colin McKenzie. Councillor Khan noted that the Council’s parks had been greatly improved over a number of years, which was a credit to the staff involved. He asked if there was any data available about whether the usage of parks had increased and what consideration had been given to better promotion of these facilities.
Culture and Heritage Strategy
Work was progressing to finalise the Culture and Heritage Strategy. Work had been undertaken to research the existing cultural landscape and to articulate a vision for the future. Feedback on the draft Strategy was now awaited from various organisations. The Council wanted to get this vision right.
Enlighten Event
Last weekend had seen the delivery of an enlighten event in Accrington Town Centre, which had involved the transformation of 5 key heritage buildings by light art. Some 5,000 people had attended the event. A large array of activities and displays had been on show. Particular thanks was due to local actress Julie Hesmondhalgh and a number of schools who had supported the spectacle.
Councillors Dad, Walsh and Pratt each commented on their families’ positive experience of the event, which was a credit to the staff involved in its organisation. Councillor Khan asked if it was known how many visitors were from out of Borough. Councillor Whitehead agreed that it would be useful to collect more data about attendance at events. The Council had invested in the ‘huq’ system which tracked footfall. Improved data would enable the Council to determine which types of event were sustainable.
Halloween Trail
The Halloween Shop Trail was taking place in the Accrington Town Centre for its 3rd year, arranged by Amazing Accrington and sponsored by Hyndburn Borough Council. Children were encouraged to dress up and to visit local shops to obtain 10 stamps, which would permit entry into a prize draw. The final day of the event was tomorrow.
Portfolio Holder for Sustainability and Families
Councillor Kate Walsh reported on the following:
Mercer House
Councillor Walsh had visited Mercer House, in Clayton-le-Moors, to look at the level of investment needed to bring the building up to a leasable standard. Councillor Aziz thanked his colleagues for their work on this matter and hoped that it would mirror the rejuvenation of Churchfield House, in Great Harwood.
The Net Zero working Group had recommended investment of £85k to enable further decarbonisation of the Council’s assets. Councillor Khan asked which buildings would benefit from this funding. Councillor Walsh responded that this would be for Council owned buildings, but would not, at this stage, include the Haworth Art Gallery.
Retrofitting Hub
The Council was looking into the possible establishment of a Retrofitting Hub. The aim was to provide energy saving advice under one roof, in partnership with other organisations. The proposal had also been mentioned at a recent overview and scrutiny committee meeting. Councillor Khan noted that the Government’s Budget announcement had mentioned £3.4 billion to retrofit 350,000 homes over a three-year period. He asked whether the Council could access this money. Councillor Walsh confirmed that she had written to the relevant Ministers and that officers were working on this too. Councillor Aziz noted the importance of this work as some 64% of the Borough’s housing stock were Band A properties.
Cosy Homes Event
Councillor Walsh had recently attended a Cosy Homes event, which was very informative.
Brookside Restoration Project
The Portfolio Holder had visited Brookside nature reserve to attend an event for children held during the half term holiday.
Christmas Lights
Councillors Walsh and Whitehead had considered the budget for Christmas lighting to ensure that the townships were adequately served. It was also proposed to undertake some publicity to try to deter costly vandalism of the cribs.