Agenda item
Appointment of Co-optees
Report attached.
Members considered a report of the Chairs of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees setting out the recommendations for the appointment of co-opted members to the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
The Councils Constitution, Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule C2 stated:
“Up to four members of the public may be appointed to each Overview and Scrutiny Committee as non-voting co-optees, if they are deemed to have relevant experience of matters falling within the remit of that Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(i) Co-optees may be appointed following nomination by a councillor or following an application received directly from a member of the public.
(ii) Applications received directly from the public will be considered first at the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Committee will consider the knowledge and experience of the applicant relevant to the terms of reference or work programme of the Committee. If the majority of the Overview and Scrutiny members support the appointment of the applicant, the proposed appointment will be presented to Council for approval.
(iii) Nominations received from councillors will be presented to the Council for approval, if supported by the Chair of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee. In reaching a decision, the Council will consider the knowledge and experience of the nominee relevant to the terms of reference or work programme of the Committee.”
The Communities and Wellbeing Overview & Scrutiny Committee had considered 2 nominations for 4 vacant co-optee positions at its meeting on 15th July 2024. The Committee had voted to recommend that Council appoint Jean Battle and Jackie Rawstron as co-optees. There remained two vacant co-optee posts on this Committee.
The Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee had considered 2 nominations for 4 vacant co-optee positions at its meeting on 16th July 2024. The Committee had voted to recommend that Council appoint Richard Downie and Tim O’Kane as co-optees. There remained two vacant co-optee posts on this Committee.
The Special Overview & Scrutiny Committee had considered 1 nomination submitted by report and 1 nomination submitted at the meeting for 2 vacant co-optee positions at its meeting on 22nd July 2024. The Committee had voted to recommend that Council appoint Shahed Mahmood and Andy Tatchell as co-optees. There were no remaining co-optee vacancies on this Committee.
Councillors Jodi Clements, Heather Anderson, Steven Button, Paul Cox, Bernard Dawson, Dave Parkins and Clare Pritchard spoke in favour of particular nominees. Councillors Zak Khan and Shabir Fazal raised no objection to the individual noiminees, but expressed concern that the appointments were being politicised, rather than being used to bring in a fresh perspective to the committees. Councillor Whitehead responded that there was a good mix of nominees who were experienced and trusted individuals, while others brought new skills to the role.
Decision (1) That Council approves the appointment of Jackie Rawstron and Jean Battle as co-optees to the Communities and Wellbeing Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
(2) That Council approves the appointment of Richard Downie and Tim O’Kane as co-optees to the Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
(3) That Council approves the appointment of Shahed Mahmood and Andy Tatchell as co-optees to the Special Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
(4) That Council approves that the above appointments cover a period of 2 municipal years until the end of 2025/26.
(5) That Council thanks Stacy Walsh, Miles Parkinson, Stewart Eaves, June Harrison, Joan West and Ynot Aspire for their prior service in co-optee roles on the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
(6) That Council notes that there currently remains two vacancies on the Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee and two vacancies on the Communities and Wellbeing Overview & Scrutiny Committee. Nominees for these vacancies will be considered at the next Scrutiny Committees.
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