Agenda item
Town Twinning with Khust, Ukraine
Report attached.
Members considered a report of Councillor Kimberley Whitehead, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Arts, outlining a proposal for the Council to twin Accrington with Khust, West Ukraine.
Councillor Whitehead provided a briefing introduction to the proposals.
Khust was a popular destination city situated in western Ukraine, boasting a population of a similar size to Accrington (with 90% of the population being Ukrainian, as well as a mix of Russian, Hungarian and Roma ethnicities). The city benefited from a thriving leisure and tourism industry, bolstered by a rich industrial heritage in artistic wares like basket weaving and food production/processing, specialising in goods like the trade of honey.
The proposal to twin with Khust had initially been brought forward by one of the residents in Hyndburn on the Homes for Ukraine scheme, neurologist Dr Valeyrie Hrymchak. In August 2023, Hyndburn Council had hosted an initial virtual meeting between Chief Executive, David Welsby, the then Leader of the Council Marlene Haworth, the Mayor and Mayoress of Hyndburn, Council officers and representatives from Khust, including the Mayor of Khust. The following week, Hyndburn Council had hosted a civic event at Haworth Art Gallery to welcome Khust representatives Professor Mykhailo Oros and Assistant Professor Luidmyla Varha. Both events had served to initiate a working relationship between Hyndburn Council and Khust Council. A presentation in support of twinning was also provided at Council on 2nd November 2023.
On 5th August 2024 a further meeting had taken place between Council representatives and Professor Mykhailo Oros and Assistant Professor Luidmyla Varha at the Town Hall, Accrington, to reaffirm the Council’s commitment to town twinning and to discuss progress. The meeting had been hosted by the Mayor and included the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holders for Housing and Communities, Business and Growth and Culture, Heritage and Arts, key officers, along with a local sponsor under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, members of the Ukrainian community in Hyndburn and the Operations Manager from Maundy Relief. Attendees spoke of their common aims and growing sense of friendship and noted the opportunities that town twinning might bring to both communities.
Professor Oros presented the Mayor with a gift from Khust in the form a painting of a landscape in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. The outcome of the meeting was very positive and resulted in a letter being sent by the Leader of the Council to Khust City Council to thank them for the gift and to confirm the Council’s commitment to twinning.
This proposal presented a unique opportunity for Hyndburn to foster international relationships, promote economic development and enhance cultural exchange. The benefits of town twinning with Khust included:
- Economic development opportunities: There might be trade and investment opportunities arising from establishing strong connections between Ukrainian businesses and entrepreneurs and their Hyndburn counterparts.
- Tourism and hospitality: Town Twinning could significantly boost tourism and hospitality industries in both locations. Encouraging tourists from each town to visit the other could lead to increased revenue for businesses, such as hotels, restaurants and attractions. Cultural exchange and tourism could contribute to job creation.
- Education and skills: Partnership with Khust could facilitate educational skills exchange programmes. Collaborations between schools, colleges, universities and vocational institutions could enhance learning opportunities for residents, equipping them with international perspectives and skills, crucial in today’s economy.
- Community cohesion: Twinning with Khust would provide a platform for communities to engage in meaningful cultural exchanges. Residents from both towns could share traditions, arts and customs, fostering understanding and appreciation for diverse cultures. Such interactions could promote tolerance, reduce prejudice and contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious society.
- Solidarity and Friendship: The twinning initiative would enable Accrington to stand in solidarity now, and in the future, both in times of challenge and times of celebration. Collaborative projects and events could strengthen the sense of friendship between communities, creating lasting bonds that would transcend geographical boundaries.
- Social and civic engagement: Engaging in joint initiatives and community projects could enhance civic participation among residents. Working together on issues of mutual interest could empower individuals to contribute positively to the development of both towns.
In conclusion, the proposed Town Twinning presented an exciting opportunity to forge connections that extended beyond borders, showed solidarity, stimulated economic growth in the future and promoted community cohesion. This initiative aligned with Hyndburn’s ongoing commitment to creating a prosperous and inclusive future for residents that had a global reach.
The Leader of the Council thanked Councillor Haworth for her earlier involvement in this project and confirmed that it was the intention to offer her a seat on the proposed Working Group. He recalled the successful event held approximately two months ago at the Town Hall. It was anticipated that the project would gather more momentum when it became possible to safely visit Ukraine. Councillor Haworth thanked the Leader of his kind words. She also spoke in praise of Professor Oros. She was confident that the people of Khust would welcome visitors from Hyndburn. Councillor Aziz noted that across Britain, gateway signs to towns and cities proudly displayed the names of their twin. Councillor Khan also spoke in favour of twinning.
Councillor Fazal raised some concerns about the perception of taking sides in an area of conflict and whether the wider Hyndburn public had been consulted. He also raised the future possibility of twinning with Bethlehem given its significance for both Christianity and Islam.
Councillor Addison reminded members that Oswaldtwistle had twinned with Falkenberg, Sweden, some years ago.
Councillor Whitehead summed up and outlined her personal connection to Ukraine through the work of her brother in that country and her own efforts running the East Lancashire 4 Ukraine group.
Decision (1) That this Council supports the establishment of a Town Twinning relationship between Accrington, Hyndburn and Khust in Ukraine.
(2) That the Council requests that the Leader of the Council write to the Leader of Khust Council to establish a formal dialogue with a view to developing an on-going relationship between the two councils.
(3) That a working group be established, to include both officers and elected members, with the terms of reference as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, to further explore projects and initiatives that could align with aims of the report. The primary goal of the working group would be to connect Khust officials with the relevant individuals or organisations, for example education or business leaders.
Supporting documents:
Town Twinning - Main Report, item 164.
PDF 167 KB
Appendix 1 - Working Group Terms of Reference, item 164.
PDF 191 KB