Agenda and minutes
Venue: QE Room
Contact: Democratic Services 01254 380109
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence, Substitutions, Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors Stuart Eaves and Eamonn Higgins.
Councillor Dave Parkins acted as a substitute representative for Councillor Higgins.
There was no substitute representative for Councillor Eaves.
There were no reported declarations of interest or dispensations.
Minutes of the Last Meeting PDF 172 KB To submit the minutes of the Planning (Trees) Sub- Committee meeting held on the 4th April 2019 for approval as a correct record.
Recommended - That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the last Planning (Trees) Sub-Committee held on the 4th April 2019, were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved - That the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990- New Tree Preservation Order(s) PDF 145 KB The attached report sets out the issues surrounding a Tree Preservation Order relating to the Walton Arms Pub, Burnley Road, Altham, BB5 5UL.
Recommended - That the application be determined as set out in the report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Planning & Transportation Officer and the Arboricultural & Conservation Officer submitted a report setting out recommended action on whether the temporary Tree Preservation Order (TPO) that had been placed on the tree detailed below in April 2019 should be made permanent.
Walton Arms Pub, Burnley Road, Altham, BB5 5UL
The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer presented information and photographs of the tree and advised Members that an assessment of the tree had been undertaken and was included in the report attached to the agenda.
Resolved - (1) That the Temporary Tree Preservation Order be made permanent as per the Officer’s recommendation in the report.