Agenda and minutes
Venue: Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Rachael Calvert, Democratic Services (01254) 380136
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence, Substitutions, Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: Councillor Stewart Eaves substituted for Councillor Jodi Clements |
Minutes of the Last Meeting The Minutes of the last Planning Meeting held on the 11th of September 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Minutes: The minutes for the last Planning Committee held on the 11th of September 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record. |
Town and Country Planning Act 1990- Planning Applications for Determination The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted a series of reports setting out recommended action on the Planning applications below. Minutes: The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted reports setting out recommended action on the following Planning application.
An update sheet was available at the meeting for the application. |
11/24/0340 - 2A Allsprings Drive, Great Harwood, BB6 7RN FULL: Change the use of a (C3a) dwelling to a children's home for a maximum of two children, with three carers, two of whom will sleep overnight, working on a rota basis (C2)
Minutes: The Chair of the Planning Committee proposed a site visit for this application.
Resolved – The application was deferred until a site visit had been arranged. |
11/23/ 0473 - Land to the north of Greenlight Motors Ltd, Park Road, BB6 7RW Outline Application: Erection of Car Showroom with internal and external car displays and change of use to retail sale of vehicles; including details of scale and means of access (Layout, Appearance, and Landscaping Reserved).
Minutes: Mr Adam Birkett Planning Manager presented the report to the committee.
The update sheet was read out, informing of a change of wording regarding the officer recommendation.
The application outlined the erection of a car showroom with internal and external car displays and a change of use to retail sale of vehicles; including details of scale and means of access (Layout, Appearance and Landscaping Reserved)
The application was brought to committee as a legal agreement is necessary to secure a financial payment to provide off site compensation for loss of open space.
The site itself comprises rough grassland, being generally level in relation to the highway although it has a substantial mounting towards its street frontages, presumably to inhibit vehicular access.
The application was recommended for approval.
Resolved – The application was approved subject to the conditions set out in the report and the satisfactory completion of a s.106 legal agreement for the matters set out in the report. And; That delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning and Transportation Officer to modify the wording of the conditions as necessary. |
11/24/0356 - 295 Burnley Road, Accrington, BB5 6HA FULL: Change of use from dwelling (C3) to mixed use dwelling and car repairs (B2) within lower ground floor garage and yard area (retrospective) Minutes: Councillor Dave Parkins stepped down from Chair for this item to enter the public gallery. Councillor Bernard Dawson Vice Chair stepped in as Chair for the rest of the Committee.
Mr Adam Birkett Planning Manager presented the report to the committee.
The update sheet was read out, informing the committee of 6 additional letters of support stating. · No issues with noises/smells from the use and no access problems. · The business is convenient for the local community. · No parking issues resulting from the development.
An additional letter from the applicant’s agent was also sent to councillors which is detailed in the update sheet.
The application was a Full change of use from dwelling (C3) to mixed use dwelling and car repairs (B2) within lower ground floor garage and yard area (retrospective). The application dwellinghouse fronts the north side of Burnley Road (A679). Whitewell Road runs northwards along the east side of the property from its junction with Burnley Road. It is at the end of a row of similar dwellings, at the edge of a large residential area to the rear. Across Whitewell Road is a short residential terrace, beyond which is the Cemetery. Whitewell Road is un-made and serves as an access to the residential area and a pedestrian access to the Cemetery
The application was recommended for refusal.
Members of the committee discussed the location of the site, the impact on neighbours, raised objections regarding noise and the environmental impact and potential conditions of the application.
Resolved – That the application be accepted subject to conditions which have been delegated to the Chief Planning and Transportation Officer to modify the wording of the conditions as necessary.
N.B - 1. Jacqueline Rawstron – Spoke against the application. · Lived close by for 24 years. · Issued photographs around the committee members of the property · Referred to policies E1, E2, EN7, DM31, DM32 · Referred to article 8 in the report · Loss of privacy, parking issues and public safety
2. Marilyn Threlfall – Spoke in favour of the application · Notes the main road is more disruptive than the applicants business use of the property. · Private road to supply access has never been blocked. · No issues with noise or fumes. · Has lived next door for 24 years. · States that the applicant works hard for his family and she supports the application.
3. Lee Greenwood – Spoke in favour of the application. · No significant adverse impact reported by residents in the 3 years of operation. · HBC environmental health and LCC highways no objections. · Happy to accommodate any conditions suggested. · No desire to adversely impact the living standard of his neighbours.
4. Councillor Dave Parkins – Spoke in favour of the application · No reports from Huncoat residents regarding the property. · Previous Planning Enforcement visit in 2021 gave verbal approval to continue using the site in this manner. · Applicant has been cooperative and will continue to be in regards to planning recommendations. · Well established Business. |