Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Rachael Calvert, Democratic Services (01254) 380136
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence, Substitutions, Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: Apologies recorded for Councillor’s Steven Button, Joyce Plummer and Clare Pritchard. |
Minutes of the Last Meeting The Minutes of the last Planning Meeting held on the 12th June 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record. Minutes: The Minutes of the last Planning Committee held on 12th June 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record. |
Town and Country Planning Act 1990- Planning Applications for Determination The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted a series of reports setting out recommended action on the Planning applications below. |
ITEM WITHDRAWN - 11/24/0217 - 22 Abbott Clough Avenue, Oswaldtwistle, BB1 3LP Certificate of Lawful Use, Proposed: Use as a Supported Living home which includes two young people living at the property and a member of staff on a rota. Minutes: This item had been withdrawn. |
11/24/0236 - 2a Allsprings Drive, Great Harwood, BB6 7RN Certificate of Lawful Use; Proposed: Change of Use from Dwelling to Children’s Home providing accommodation for two children with care provided by staff attending on a rota.
Minutes: Mr Simon Prideaux, Chief Planning and Transportation Officer presented the report to the committee.
Cllr Brerton requested this application come to Committee.
The application was for a Certificate of Lawful Use with a proposed change of use from a dwelling to a children’s home providing accommodation for two children with care provided by staff attending on a rota.
The application relates to a semi detached 3 bedroomed dwelling house in a residential area. The dwelling has a garden with a driveway and hardstanding space for one car.
The application is for a certified determination whether or not planning permission is needed for the proposed change of use. The decision has to be based on planning law and the facts of the case.
Resolved – That the application be refused.
11/24/0225 - 6 Grasmere Close, Rishton, BB1 4EL Full: Change of Use of a C3a Dwelling to a Children’s Home for a Maximum of One Child, with up to Three Carers, Two of whom will sleep overnight, working on a rota basis (C2). Minutes: An update sheet was issued at the start of the meeting for this item.
Mr Simon Prideaux presented the report to the Committee.
The application was for a change of use of a C3a dwelling to a children’s home for a maximum of 1 child, with up to 3 carers, 2 of whom will sleep overnight, working on a rota basis.
The application relates to a detached dwelling house of 2 storeys and 3 bedrooms. There is a driveway, which can currently provide 1 car parking space.
A planning recommendation by LCC Highways had been included to widen the existing driveway and paving part of the front garden to provide 2 off street parking spaces.
There had been a letter of representation received to state that there was already an existing children’s care home already on Grasmere Close. Mr Prideaux responded that planning records had been checked and could not confirm this.
Councillors discussed the Policy on Care Homes and the timeframe on when this will be complete. Mr Prideaux responded this piece of work is being carried out in house and due to be ready for October 2024.
Resolved – That the application be deferred to look at the amount of care homes within the area and to confirm if there is one on the same street.
N.B – Ms Lisa Goulding, the applicant spoke in favour of the application. |
Tree Preservation Order - No 1 Water Street, Great Harwood To recommended the protection of an Oak tree through the use of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Simon Prideaux presented the report to the Committee alongside Katy Morley, Arboricultural and Conservation Officer.
The report was to recommend the protection of an Oak tree at Water Street, Great Harwood through the use of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).
A temporary TPO has been in place but this had now expired.
An assessment of the tree had been undertaken and the score merits the TPO.
The land the tree is situated on is open space but would not prevent any land use for the future with the tree being in situ.
Resolved – That the TPO is made permanent and the conditions attached are adhered too. |