Agenda and minutes
Venue: Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Rachael Calvert, Democratic Services (01254) 380136
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence, Substitutions, Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: There were no apologies for absence, substitutions, declarations of interest or dispensations.
Minutes of the Last Meeting The Minutes of the last Planning Committee held on the 20th March 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Minutes: The Minutes of the last Planning Committee held on the 20th March 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990- Planning Applications for Determination The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted a report setting out recommended action on the following Planning applications.
3A. 11/24/0130 – 104 Maden Street, Church, BB5 4JA Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development – Change of use of two bedroom mid terrace dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a small HMO for up to 4 single occupants (Use class C4).
3B. 11/23/0468 – Altham Business Park, Altham Lane, Altham, BB5 5UR Full Major: application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to vary conditions 1, 2, 9 & 12 pursuant of the permission 11/20/0318 for the erection of a B8 (storage and distribution) warehouse and associated works.
3C. 11/23/0525 – 1 Heyes Lane, Great Harwood, BB6 7UA Full Application: Erection of a drive thru coffee shop (Class E/Sui Generis Use) and associated development.
3D. 11/22/0435 – Frontier Park, Frontier Avenue/Land north of Blackburn Road, Rishton, Lancashire, BB1 3AL Full Major: Erection of a new food retail store (Use Class E(a)) with associated car parking, servicing and landscaping.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 3A. 11/24/0130 – 104 Maden Street, Church, BB5 4JA
Mr Simon Prideaux, Chief Planning and Transportation Officer presented the report to the Committee.
The application was brought to Committee at a request of Councillor Loraine Cox.
It was an application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for the proposed change of use of a two bedroom mid terrace dwelling house (Use Class C3) to a small HMO for up to 4 single occupants (Use Class C4).
The effect of the application is that the Council is asked to confirm or otherwise whether the proposed change of use would be in accordance with planning law.
The report finds that it would be lawful and as such, Section 192 (2) requires that a certificate be issued.
A petition was received signed by 13 people, however due to the law this cannot be considered.
Resolved – That the Certificate of Lawful Use be approved.
3B. 11/23/0468 – Altham Business Park, Altham Lane, Altham, BB5 5UR
Mr Adam Birkett, Planning Manager presented the report to the Committee.
An update sheet was issued out at the meeting.
The application was to vary conditions 1, 2, 9 & 12 pursuant of the permission 11/20/0318 for the erection of a B8 (storage and distribution) warehouse and associated works.
The application was submitted under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, this takes effect as a new, independent permission to carry out development of the same description as previously permitted subject to new or amended conditions. The new permission would sit alongside the original permission, which remains intact and unamended.
The application sought an amendment of a reduction of the footprint of the building to 6,865sqm, revised servicing and car parking arrangements and amendments to the building design and materials.
There was a discussion on the proposed development located in Green Belt however, the economic benefits outweigh the land to remain as is and this is classed as very special circumstances.
Members of Planning Committee spoke in support of the proposed changes, recognising the importance of supporting successful local businesses.
Resolved – That the application be approved with the conditions set out in the report subject to not being called in by the Secretary of State.
And; That delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning and Transportation Officer to modify the wording of the conditions as necessary.
N.B - 1. Mr Miles Parkinson, Altham Parish Council spoke in favour of the application. 2. Mr Edward James, Agent spoke in favour of the application.
3C. 11/23/0525 – 1 Heys Lane, Great Harwood, BB6 7UA
Mr Simon Prideaux presented the report to the Committee.
The application was presented to Members due to the number of objections received from the public.
Planning permission was sought for the erection of a drive thru coffee shop (Class E/Sui Generis) to be occupied by Starbucks. The application site is situated across from the Aldi Supermarket Store; the same access will be used from Heys Lane and shared car parking. ... view the full minutes text for item 388. |