Agenda and minutes
Venue: Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Rachael Calvert, Democratic Services (01254) 380136
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence, Substitutions, Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: Apologies recorded for Councillor’s Heather Anderson and Joyce Plummer.
Councillor Stewart Eaves substituted for Councillor Heather Anderson. |
Minutes of the Last Meeting PDF 177 KB The Minutes of the last Planning Meeting held on the 9th July 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record. Minutes: The Minutes of the last Planning Committee held on the 9th July 2024 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Resolved – That the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record. |
Town and Country Planning Act 1990- Planning Applications for Determination The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted a series of reports setting out recommended action on the Planning applications below. |
11/24/0055 - Bolton Avenue Playing Fields, Huncoat, Accrington, BB5 6HT PDF 373 KB Full: Replacement 7 v 7 football pitch, including associated earthworks and drainage works with an area of proposed ground raising for landscaping and a temporary construction compound, to include site access, storage area, plant and machinery (associated to HARP Hyndburn application 11/21/0237)
Minutes: Mr Adam Birkett, Planning Manager presented the report to Committee.
Full planning permission was sought for a replacement 7 v 7 football pitch, including associated earthworks and drainage works with an area of proposed ground raising for landscaping and a temporary construction compound, to include site access, storage area, plant and machinery at Bolton Avenue Playing Fields, Huncoat.
This is associated to HARP Hyndburn application 11/21/0237.
A total of 8 letters of support had been received from the public.
Access and parking was discussed, Sport England in support of the application and have requested a condition within the report.
The application is supported by an appropriate scheme of bio diversity enchancement and habitat creation measures to ensure that BNG is achieved at the site.
Councillor Addison asked if the pitches would be fenced, this would only be whilst works completed as they are open for public use.
Resolved – That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report and completion of a S106 legal agreement for the matters set out in the report. And; That delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning and Transportation Officer to modify the wording of the conditions as necessary. |
11/24/0225 - 6 Grasmere Close, Rishton, BB1 4EL PDF 355 KB Full: Change of Use of a C3a Dwelling to a Children's Home for a Maximum of One Child, with up to Three Carers, Two of Whom will Sleep Overnight, Working on a Rota Basis (C2)
Minutes: Mr Simon Prideaux, Chief Planning and Transportation Officer presented the report to the Committee.
An update sheet was issued out at the start of this application.
This application came to the previous months Committee and it was deferred due to a request of further information.
Mr Prideaux read out the objections that had been received and the points raised. It was noted that the house will be no different than a normal household and will not generate any significant amount of traffic.
Lancashire County Council have no record of an Ofsted care home on Grasmere Close, there is 2 within the vicinity but not close.
The application is for FULL planning permission for a Change of Use of a C3a Dwelling to a Children’s Home for a Maximum of 1 Child, with up to 3 Carers, 2 of Whom will sleep overnight working on a rota basis (C2).
The house is a detached dwellinghouse with a driveway for 1 car parking space.
The Committee raised concerns about the change of use application and highways issues.
Resolved – The application was refused due to the impact of neighbourhood amenities, parking and highways.
N.B – 1. Mrs Sandra Holt spoke against the application. 2. Councillor Kate Walsh spoke against the application.
11/24/0261 - 47 Hambledon Mill Park, Accrington, BB5 5FQ PDF 399 KB Full: Proposed change of use from Use Class C3 (dwelling) to Use Class C2 for the provision of residential accommodation to children in need of personal care.
Minutes: Mr Simon Prideaux, Chief Planning and Transportation Officer presented the report to the Committee.
An update sheet was issued out at the start of this application.
The application was called-in for Committee consideration by Councillor Paul Cox regarding matters of local amenity.
A petition was received by 77 representatives against the application.
The application was for a full proposal to change of use from use class C3 (dwelling) to use class C2 for the provision of residential accommodation to children in need of personal care.
The children’s home would provide accommodation for 2 children in the detached dwellinghouse compromising of three storeys.
Resolved – That the application be refused due to neighbourhood amenities and lack of parking.
N.B – 1. Ms Jane Wood spoke against the application. 2. Councillor Paul Cox spoke against the application. 3. Mr Edward Smethurst spoke in favour of the application.
11/24/0177 - 463 Whalley Road, Clayton Le Moors, BB5 5RP PDF 379 KB FULL: Proposed change of use from dwellinghouse (Class C3) to Children’s Care Home (Class C2) for a maximum of 2 children; construction of rear dormer roof extension and insertion of roof lights on front roof slope to provide two additional bedrooms on the second floor.
Minutes: The Chair of the Planning Committee proposed a site visit for this application.
Resolved – The application was deferred until a site visit had been arranged. |
Planning Enforcement Update PDF 553 KB Report attached. Minutes: Mr Simon Prideaux updated Members on Planning Enforcement.
He discussed historic case reviews and management of the backlog, electronic management of enforcement cases, review of the enforcement protocol, lone working arrangements and enforcement notices and cases.
The report was noted. |
Planning Appeals Update PDF 267 KB Report attached. Minutes: Mr Simon Prideaux updated Members on Planning Appeals that are being managed by the Development Management Service.
The report outlined determined appeals over the past 2 years, ongoing (un- determined planning appeals and appeals performance.
Appendix 1 set out in the report was discussed on the appeal decisions.
The report was noted. |