Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Accrington
Contact: Democratic Services Democratic Services (01254) 380116/380109/380184
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: The Chief Executive, Mr David Welsby, welcomed Honorary Freemen, Honorary Aldermen, Past Mayors, Councillors, special guests Mr Muhammad Tariq Wazir, Consul General of Pakistan in Manchester and Sara Britcliffe MP, as well as friends, family and other guests to the 2022/23 Mayor Making Ceremony, to install the Mayor of the Borough.
Declaration of Mayor - 2022/23 To announce the election of Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23. Minutes: The Chief Executive announced that at the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 19th May 2022, Councillor Abdul Ghafar Khan had been elected Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23. The Mayor read the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor and was presented with the Mayoral Fob by Councillor Kath Pratt, Mayor in 2021/22. Councillor Miles Parkinson OBE gave a speech of welcome, which was supported by Councillors Munsif Dad BEM JP and Peter Britcliffe.
The Mayor began with the traditional Islamic greeting salamalaikum (peace be upon you). He then made his speech of acceptance, in which he thanked his predecessor Councillor Pratt and congratulated the new Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress, Councillor Terry Hurn and Mrs Jean Hurn. He also thanked colleagues, mentors and numerous family members and, in particular, his wife and new Mayoress, Bushra Khan.
The Mayor concluded by announcing his chosen charities for the year as follows:-
Declaration of Deputy Mayor - 2022/23 To announce the election of Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23. Minutes: The Mayor announced that at the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 19th May 2022, Councillor Terry Hurn had been elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23. The Deputy Mayor read the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Deputy Mayor.
Councillor Miles Parkinson OBE gave a brief welcome speech, which was supported by Councillors Marlene Haworth and Munsif Dad BEM JP.
The Leader of the Council then proposed a formal vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor. Councillor Pratt gave a brief speech about her year as Mayor and its many high points. She was very proud to have raised around £11k for her chosen charities. She thanked the staff who had supported her and the hardworking members of her Charity Committee. The Mayor then presented flowers and the Past Mayor’s badge to Councillor Pratt and a small gift to her husband and Consort, Barrie Pratt. Some flowers were also displayed to be presented to her Mayoress, Councillor Judith Addison, who was temporarily unavailable at this point in the ceremony.
Conferment of the Title of Honorary Freeman In pursuance of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, to confer the title of Honorary Freeman to Mrs Sarah Barton for her contribution to voluntary and charity services in the borough of Hyndburn and to Mr. Andrew Holt for his contribution to business and the local economy and sporting community in the borough of Hyndburn. Minutes: Members were reminded that two days ago, in pursuance of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the title of Honorary Freeman had been conferred on Mrs Sarah Barton for her contribution to voluntary and charity services in the Borough of Hyndburn and on Mr Andrew Holt for his contribution to business and the local economy and sporting community in the Borough of Hyndburn.
At the invitation of the Mayor, the Leader of the Council gave a short speech to introduce Mrs Barton and to welcome her and her family and friends to the Council Chamber. Councillors Marlene Haworth and Munsif Dad BEM JP and the Chief Executive each said a few words in support of the award. Thereupon, Mrs Barton signed the Roll of Honour and the Mayor presented her with a bouquet of flowers. Sarah then gave a short speech to accept the honour.
The Leader next gave a brief speech to introduce Andy Holt and to welcome him and his family and friends to the event. Councillors Marlene Haworth and Munsif Dad BEM JP and the Chief Executive each said a few words of congratulation. Thereupon, Mr Holt signed the Roll of Honour and the Mayor presented him with a humorous novelty item and a small gift. Andy then gave a short speech to accept the honour.
The Mayor congratulated all the recipients of the Freeman award. He also proposed that a similar honour being conferred next year on Jawid Hussain, former director of Accrol, who was well-known for his various companies’ investments in local business and in community projects in Hyndburn.
The Mayor thanked all for attending and asked invited guests to join him shortly in the Ballroom for the Civic Celebration meal.