Agenda and minutes
Venue: Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Ben Caulfield, Policy and Scrutiny Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: There were apologies from Councillors Dominik Allen and Colin McKenzie; and from Co-optees Bernadette Parkinson and Jenny Molineux. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations. |
Minutes of Last Meeting To submit the minutes of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 14th December 2022 for approval as a correct record.
Recommended - That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Minutes: To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Communities and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on Wednesday, 14th December 2022 for approval as a correct record.
Resolved - That the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Responses of Cabinet to Reports of Overview and Scrutiny When Overview and Scrutiny Committees submit reports or recommendations to Cabinet or Council, it is a requirement to report back the responses to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Recommended - That the Committee notes the responses from Cabinet Minutes: The Chair Invited the Scrutiny and Policy Officer to present this report.
The Officer explained that when Overview and Scrutiny Committees submit reports or recommendations to Cabinet or Council, it is a requirement to report back the responses to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This report relates to recommendations reported to Cabinet in January 2023 regarding support for Citizens Advice Rossendale and Hyndburn. The recommendations are outlined in the report and pleasingly, were accepted by Cabinet.
The Chair thanked the Scrutiny and Policy Officer and Cabinet for accepting the recommendations. |
Community Safety Partnership Update To inform the Committee on the work of the Community Safety Partnership in the borough.
Recommended - That the Committee notes the report and suggests any further actions. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair said that due to the close relationship between agenda items 5 and 6 (Community Safety Partnership and Police Reports) these items should be considered together. It was agreed that the Committee should hear both reports before asking questions.
Kirsten Burnett, Head of Policy and OD for Hyndburn Borough Council and Chair of the Community Safety Partnership, presented the Community Safety Partnership Update.
The Partnership is made up of organisations who have a statutory duty for Community Safety and a number of other statutory, voluntary and community organisations. They work together to protect their local communities from crime, focusing on local issues and priorities. They reassess local crime priorities and develop community safety plans in consultation with partners and the local community. Kirsten drew attention to the following points of the report:
- The role of the Scrutiny Committee - Hyndburn’s CSP structure - Priorities and how the CSP tackles them - Serious violence duty - Other related groups - Domestic Homicide Reviews - Crime and Disorder - Lancashire Talking
Kirsten explained the close working relationship between the CSP and the Hyndburn Neighbourhood Policing Team which was a real benefit for the Borough.
Inspector Peter Norris, presented the report in agenda item 6, Police Report – Hyndburn District Yearly Overview. Inspector Norris explained his background. He is fairly new in post, but actually started his career in Hyndburn where he worked for 8 years. He explained the make-up of the neighbourhood policing team which he oversees and their roles in the community. The report covers the whole of policing activity in Hyndburn, not just the work of the Neighbourhood team which Inspector Norris oversees.
Inspector Norris asked that attention be drawn to the first page of the report, which was essentially a summary of the entire report. The page included the crime stats under numerous headings and these are outlined in detail in the report. Inspector Norris wished to elaborate in some of these areas:
Violence against the person – This involved several crimes, including serious assaults but also “non-contact crimes”. There is also overlap and double counting with domestic violence reporting.
Sexual Offences – This saw an increase of 43 offences. For context, this includes serious sexual assaults but also online/social media crime.
Hate crime – figures have reduced significantly which is pleasing to see. A lot of work has been carried out with schools and the faith sector which is likely a contributing factor to this.
Burglary – The way in which this data is reported has now changed, with burglary previously reported under numerous types (e.g. dwelling and non-dwelling) but now all falling under one category. However, burglary rates have reduced which is very pleasing. Anti-Social Behaviour – This has seen a big decrease with 1100 fewer incidents. Inspector Norris said he is still aware there is a lot of ASB and the Police and the CSP actively target known hotspots.
Inspector Norris mentioned the Lancashire Talking section of the CSP report presented by Kirsten. Police ... view the full minutes text for item 321. |
Police Report - Hyndburn District Yearly Overview Minutes: The report and questions for this item were discussed under agenda item 5. |