Agenda and minutes
Venue: Accrington Town Hall
Contact: Ben Caulfield - Scrutiny and Policy Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Dominik Allen. Councillor Judith Addison substituted for Cllr Allen. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest and Dispensations. |
Minutes of Last Meeting Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Communities and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on Wednesday, 20th October 2021 were received and approved as a correct record.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Recommended - That the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record.
Responses of Cabinet to Reports of Overview and Scrutiny The Committee to receive responses to previous reports and recommendations submitted to Cabinet.
Minutes: This report is for the Committee to receive responses to previous reports and recommendations submitted to Cabinet.This Committee submitted several recommendations to Cabinet on 20th October 2021, relating to Healthy Weight. The details of this were outlined in section 4 of the report. Cabinet accepted all recommendations made by the Committee.
The report was noted.
The Police and Crime Plan 2021-25 The Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire, Andrew Snowden, will present the Police and Crime Plan to the Committee. Minutes: The Chair welcomed the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner, Andrew Snowden (PCC), and Inspector Rick Ogdin to report on the Police and Crime Plan.The PCC provided an outline of the Plan.
The PCC has developed this Police and Crime Plan in consultation with members of the public and partners across Lancashire to ensure it reflects the issues that matter most to people. The 5 main priorities:
· Getting tough on anti-social behaviour · Disrupting and dismantling organised crime · Tacking domestic abuse and sexual violence · Cracking down on burglary and robbery · Targeting dangerous drivers The PCC also provided an update on delivering efficient and effective policing; supporting victims; partnership and collaboration; monitoring and accountability which are all covered within the plan.
The meeting was opened up to questions from the Committee. The PCC responded in full to questions on the following topics:
· Additional policing resources in Hyndburn including uniformed officers on patrol · Tackling antisocial behaviour through neighbourhood policing · Drugs, including use amongst young people, concerns regarding door step deliveries and views on the legalisation of lower level drugs · Working with Neighbourhood Watch schemes · Future of PACT meetings · Plans to tackles speeding, dangerous driving, and illegal and dangerous parking · Violent crime including knife crime · Educational programmes and recruiting young people · Improving police stations · Delivering value for money and measuring outcomes · Hate crimes On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked the Lancashire Police & Crime Commissioner, Andrew Snowden and Inspector Rick Ogdin for attending and presenting to the committee.
Recommended: That the Committee invites the PCC to provide an update on progress against the Police and Crime Plan in one years-time.