Agenda and minutes
Venue: Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Rachael Calvert, Democratic Services (01254) 380136
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence, Substitutions, Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted from Councillor’s Stephen Button, Paul Cox and Terry Hurn.
Councillor Noordad Aziz substituted for Councillor Stephen Button.
Councillor Kimberley Whitehead substituted for Councillor Paul Cox.
Councillor Loraine Cox substituted for Councillor Terry Hurn.
Declarations of interest were received from Councillor’s Noordad Aziz, Bernard Dawson and Kimberley Whitehead for item 11/23/0060 due to attending, Accrington Stanley Football matches on many occasions and/or being a season ticket holder.
Councillor Kimberley Whitehead also declared that she used to work with one of the residents attending the meeting regarding item 11/23/0060.
Minutes of the Last Meeting PDF 183 KB The Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 6th December 2023 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
Recommended – That the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record. Minutes: The Minutes of the last Planning Committee held on the 6th December were submitted for approval as a correct record.
The Chair raised on page 4 there was an error under item 11/23/0207, the speaker Mike O’Brien spoke for the applicant on the application not against.
Resolved – That the minutes be received and approved as a correct record. In addition; that the error will be amended on the previous minutes.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990- Planning Applications for Determination PDF 197 KB The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted a report setting out recommended action on the following Planning applications.
3A. 11/23/0457 - Burtons Chambers, 61-79 Blackburn Road, Accrington, BB5 1JJ Full application: External alterations and improvements to the building façade.
3B. 11/23/0060 - Crown Ground, Livingstone Road, Accrington Major Full: Retrospective application for demolition of existing building and associatedturnstiles entrances and temporary buildings to rear of South Stand; Construction of new hospitality areas, supporters bar and new high level television camera gantry.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Planning and Transportation Officer submitted a report setting out recommended action on the following Planning applications.
An update sheet was available for item 3B at the meeting.
3A – 11/23/0457 – Burtons Chambers, 61-79 Blackburn Road, Accrington, BB5 1JJ
Mr Simon Prideaux presented the report to the committee.
A full application was presented for external alterations and improvements to the building façade.
Burton’s Chambers is a locally listed building situated within the Accrington Town Centre.
In January 2023, Hyndburn Borough Council secured £20million Levelling Up Funding from the Government, this planning application is part of a suite of proposals for improvements in the town centre.
There would be the replacement of existing shop fronts at the ground floor level with more contemporary shop fronts, and the reinstatement of curved shop front at the corner of the building.
Formation of one consolidated entrance to the building at the northwest corner of the building to create a recognisable main entrance to Burtons Chambers and contribute to creating an accessible and legible place. And, the installation of plant and screen to the rear of the roof.
No change of use was required.
Councillors discussed that there was no car parking spaces allocated, however accepted that the 16 cycle spaces was good for the environment.
Resolved – That the application was approved subject to the conditions attached in the report.
N.B – Mr Miles Parkinson spoke in support of the application.
3B – 11/23/0060 – Crown Ground, Livingstone Road, Accrington
Mr Adam Birkett presented the report to the committee regarding Accrington Stanley Football Club.
The application was for a major full retrospective application for demolition of the existing building and associated turnstiles entrances and temporary buildings to rear of South Stand; Construction of a new hospitality areas, supporters bar and new high level television camera gantry.
The planning permission was granted in October 2022 for this retrospective application.
One of the main considerations was noise coming from the 2 bars; the Council subsequently appointed a noise consultant to carry out noise monitoring follow objections from residents. This had resulted in requesting a Noise Management Plan from the applicant.
The planning conditions on the update sheet covered issues relating to noise, sound limiters, door management arrangements and a smokers area.
In December 2023, an informal agreement had been implemented using the exit to the football ground rather than towards the residential areas the use of the smoking shelters.
Members discussed the application and the concerns around not following the original planning permission, the issues arising from the external doors not being closed and works on the roof not completed to deflect the noise.
Resolved – The application was refused due to the impact on residential amenities due to noise from the development.
Officers advised that they would add references to relevant policies and agree the exact wording of the reason for refusal with the Members moving the recommendation before the decision was issued.
N.B – 1. Mrs Linda Kennedy spoke ... view the full minutes text for item 272. |