Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Accrington
Contact: Democratic Services Democratic Services (01254) 380116/380109/380184
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Mayor welcomed everyone to the March Council meeting. The meeting had been programmed earlier in the month than usual to avoid clashing with the observance of Ramadan and was slightly later in the evening than usual to allow councillors to attend a public information session about a planning matter.
Councillor Hurn also mentioned that this would be his last full meeting in the chair. He thanked all councillors for their support over the last year.
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Dominik Allen, Steve Button, Danny Cassidy, Susan Hayes, Abdul Khan, Colin McKenzie, and Kimberley Whitehead
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations indicated on this occasion.
Announcements a) Mayor b) Leader of the Council c) Chief Executive Minutes: The Mayor made the following announcements:
1) School Careers Day Visit
The Mayor reported that the Council had, this afternoon, hosted a careers event for pupils from Accrington Academy, about the work of the authority and the role of its councillors. The young people had also participated in a mock Council meeting in the Queen Elizabeth Room, at Scaitcliffe House, which had included some lively debate and demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm from our young people for the democratic process.
Councillor Peter Britcliffe, Acting Leader of the Council, made the following announcement
2) Lancashire Combined County Authority
Councillor Britcliffe reported that County Councillor Phillippa Williamson, Leader of Lancashire County Council, had recently reported that the overall response to the Lancashire Devolution Deal had been positive. The three upper tier authorities would now meet in March 2024 to determine if the Deal for a Combined County Authority should go ahead.
With the consent of the Mayor, Councillor Britcliffe invited Councillor Zak Khan, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, to speak about Bury Meadows.
3) Bury Meadows
Councillor Zak Khan announced that the Net Zero Working Group, yesterday, had heard that work as due to start in spring on the creation of a nature reserve at Bury Meadows. The work would include an 18 months’ programme and discussions with interested parties. Councillor Khan thanked Anne Hourican, Senior Environmental Initiatives Officer and Councillor Caroline Montague, for their work in this regard. Forestation and other ‘greening up’ projects were also taking place at this site. The community woodland project was ahead of schedule with over 4,500 trees planted by some 200 volunteers.
4) Huncoat Garden Village Development
Councillor Britcliffe reminded Members that a grant of £30m was being sought from Homes England, for the Huncoat Garden Village development, which was due to be determined by the end of March 2024. The award of this grant would be very welcome news.
5) Wilsons Leisure and Sports Project
Councillor Britcliffe announced that next Wednesday a ground breaking ceremony would take place at Wilsons Playing Fields for the new £13m Leisure and Sports Complex.
6) Market Hall and Traders
The Acting Leader reported that, last week, Councillor Younis had attended a ground breaking event for the Market Hall redevelopment. Other work was continuing behind the scenes and next week it was hoped to reinstate the Thursday and Sunday flea markets. The intention was to make pop up stalls available on Broadway, which should help to drive up footfall and support the creation of a vibrant town centre. Traders in the temporary cabins in the Town Square were already reporting that they were doing well. In fact, three of the traders were now opening additionally on Wednesdays.
Councillor Britcliffe added that the Controlling Group was proud of these achievements which were just the start of more ambitious plans to follow.
There were no announcements from the Chief Executive on this occasion.
To deal with any questions submitted under Council Procedure Rule A2.2(vi).
Report attached. Minutes: One question had been received. The Mayor read aloud the question as shown below.
1) Update on Milton Street Play Area
To the Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services (Councillor Steven Smithson) Submitted by Councillor Colin McKenzie
“What is the current status of the refurbishment project at Milton St Play Area in my Overton ward?”
Councillor Smithson reported that the tender was out for the project and due to be returned by 25th March 2024. The refurbishment would commence before the end of June and was expected to be completed by August 2024.
Draft Pay Policy 2024/25 Report attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a report of Councillor Peter Britcliffe, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Resources, which presented the draft pay policy for 2024/25.
Councillor Britcliffe spoke to provide a brief introduction to the report.
The Localism Act 2011 (Chapter 8 - Pay Accountability) required all local authorities to set out their position on a range of issues relating to the remuneration of their employees. The Policy must be approved by the Council in open forum, by the end of March each year and then be published on its website.
The Pay Policy set out the existing approach to the remuneration of all posts within the Council. In particular it specified certain mandatory requirements that had to be detailed within the Policy, as follows:
The Council already published pay and remuneration details of its senior managers on its website, within the annual Statement of Accounts.
The purpose of the Pay Policy was to ensure that there was transparency as to how pay and remuneration was set by the Council, for all of its employees and particularly for its most senior level posts.
Councillors Munsif Dad BEM JP and Noordad Aziz spoke to confirm the Opposition’s support for the Policy and were pleased to note that at the lowest grades the Council paid the Foundation Living Wage, rather than the National Minimum Wage.
Resolved - That the draft Pay Policy be agreed and published on the Council’s website.
To receive the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 24th January 2024 (attached).
Rules of Debate
· The Leader of the Council will move the Minutes, the Deputy Leader of the Council will second the Minutes. · Non-executive Members will be invited to make comment or ask questions on the Minutes (5 Minutes). · Cabinet Members will be invited to make comments and respond to any points raised (5 Minutes). · The Leader of the Council will be given up to 15 Minutes to respond and to answer any questions raised. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 24th January 2024 were submitted.
Resolved - That the Minutes be received and noted.
Minutes of Committees To receive the Minutes of committees, as set out below:
Rules of Debate
· The Leader of the Council will introduce the Minutes as a whole. · Any Member may raise any issue from the Minutes; the Chair of the relevant Committee may respond (5 Minutes). · The Leader of the Council will close the debate (5 Minutes).
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Minutes of the following meetings were submitted:
Resolved - That the Minutes be received and noted.
Motion(s) submitted on Notice Report attached.
Rules of Debate
· Each motion shall be debated for no more than 20 minutes before being put to the vote. · No more than one and a half hours in totality shall be allowed at each meeting for the debate of all motions. Minutes: 1) Israel/Palestine Conflict
The following motion, supported by the background information recorded below, was proposed by Councillor Paddy Short and seconded by Councillor Caroline Montague under Council Procedure Rule A9:
“Council notes:
Council believes:
Council resolves to write to the UK Prime Minister and Leader of the UK Labour Party: