Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Democratic Services (01254) 380116/380136/380184
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Susan Hayes and Josh Allen. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Minutes: There were no interests or dispensations declared at the meeting. |
Announcements a) Mayor b) Leader of the Council c) Chief Executive Minutes: Welcome
The Mayor welcomed all Councillors to the June Council meeting.
Mayor’s Announcements
The Mayor reported on a number of events that he had attended recently including the Hyndburn Business Awards, the Eco Festival, the Food Festival, Connecting Cultures and the Accrington Carnival and referred to the success of these events bringing Accrington to the forefront. He acknowledged the opening of the Peel Street toilets.
Leader of the Council
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Marlene Haworth, extended her good wishes to all those celebrating Eid. Councillors Younis, Mahmood and Dad also wished everyone Eid Mubarak. The Leader of the Council announced that there would be no future meetings scheduled during this celebration.
The Leader of the Council referred to the events alluded to previously in the meeting by the Mayor, Councillor Terry Hurn, and to the success of these events which had been as a result of everyone working together. She thanked all those involved.
Town Twinning, Accrington
The Leader of the Council reported that she had recently attended a presentation given by the Ukranian community located in Accrington and expressed her delight that they had proposed to cement the relationship of both Accrington and the Ukrainian town of Khust by twinning the towns. She reported that this process would be led by Officers of the Council working alongside the Ukrainian community and that the Council would be kept informed of progress at future meetings of the Council.
Levelling Up Funding
The Leader of the Council reported on the Levelling Up Fund. She informed the Council that they had acquired the free hold in Burton Chambers and two tenants had been relocated. Discussions were being held with a further two tenants in respect of relocating. She reported that a Programme Management Team would be established to work with the various organisations contributing to the project. She explained that decanting arrangements would be confirmed for the Market Hall Traders on Monday. Officers were working to complete a £5 million National lottery Heritage Fund development submission in respect of Market Chambers. Officers would also submit an expression of interest in £½ million from Arts England, with a final application deadline in October, if they were successful at the first stage.
Mercer Hall
The Leader of the Council referred to the repurposing of Mercer Hall and reported that a related survey would be made available to the residents of Great Harwood. She informed the Council that the aim of the survey was to give residents an opportunity to have their say in how the building should be used. She explained that the survey had gone out and that the results of the survey would be discussed by the Project Task Group at a meeting at which the public could attend and participate. She invited anyone interested to attend.
Leader’s Budget
The Leader of the Council announced that she had been given a budget of £20k from which funding could be provided to support community projects. She invited applications for funding, ... view the full minutes text for item 57. |
Confirmation of Minutes To confirm as correct records the minutes of recent Council meetings held on 18th and 27th May 2023 (attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meetings of the Annual Council held on 18th May 2023 and the Mayor Making Council held on 27th May 2023 were submitted for approval as a correct record.
The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Munsif Dad, asked if consideration had been given to a request for Councillor Dave Parkins to become the Deputy Armed Forces Champion instead of the nominated Councillor, Judith Addison. The Leader of the Council clarified that Councillor Judith Addison would remain the Deputy Armed Forces Champion.
Resolved - That the Minutes of the Annual Meeting, held on 18th May 2023, and the Mayor Making Council, held on 27th May 2023, be received and approved as a correct record. |
Question Time To deal with any questions submitted under Council Procedure Rule A2.2(vi). Minutes: No questions had been received. |
To receive the Minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on 22nd March and 31st May 2023 (attached).
Rules of Debate
· The Leader of the Council will move the Minutes, the Deputy Leader of the Council will second the Minutes. · Non-executive Members will be invited to make comment or ask questions on the Minutes (5 Minutes). · Cabinet Members will be invited to make comments and respond to any points raised (5 Minutes). · The Leader of the Council will be given up to 15 Minutes to respond and to answer any questions raised. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings of Cabinet held on 22nd March and 31st May 2023 were submitted.
Cabinet 31st May 2023
In respect of minute 22 – Huncoat Garden Village Update and Appointment of External Consultants, Councillor David Parkins requested confirmation on the number of properties planned for the Huncoat Garden Village project. He indicated that he had been under the impression that this was circa 1500 properties rather than the stated 1800 properties. It was confirmed that the plans were for 1800 homes. Councillor Britcliffe requested that the Labour Group made their position on the development of Huncoat Village publically known.
Councillor Paddy Short, Green Party, acknowledged the need for more housing but clarified that it was their position that building should only take place on brownfield sites and that any review on the change of use for greenbelt land, should take this into consideration.
Some Members of the Labour Group expressed concern about the possibility of the change of use of greenbelt land.
Councillor Dawson referred to the cost of £400k spent on the appointment of consultants for Huncoat Garden Village and asked if that could be justified.
Councillor Zak Khan responded that more housing was required in Hyndburn but that any plans would also have conditions attached before being approved. He explained that Huncoat Garden Village was a large project and required the specialisms that the Council did not have and, therefore, the appointment of consultants was necessary. He also advised that there was no confirmed review of the change of use of greenbelt land, at the moment.
Resolved - That the Minutes be received and noted.
Appointments to Outside Bodies In relation to the Leisure in Hyndburn Board, which was included as organisation No.27 on the list of Outside Bodies approved at the Annual Council Meeting, the person nominated on 18th May 2023 has declined to accept the role.
It is, therefore, proposed to appoint Councillor Loraine Cox as the Council’s formal representative on this body. Minutes: The Leader of the Council reported that Councillor Loraine Cox had been appointed as Council representative on the Leisure in Hyndburn Board. She also reported that she had been in contact with the Leisure Trust with regards to the creation of an additional Council seat and was now in the position to offer a non-voting seat to the Labour Group.
Councillor Dad, Leader of the Opposition, proposed Councillor Melissa Fisher as representative on the Hyndburn Leisure Board.
Resolved - That Councillor Loraine Cox be appointed as Council representative on the Leisure in Hyndburn Board as the Council’s voting representative and that Councillor Melissa Fisher be appointed as a non-voting representative. |
The attached report was also considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 21st June 2023. Minutes: The Principal Accountants, Amanda Martin and Carol Worthington, submitted a report to update Council on the activities relating to the Prudential Indicators Monitoring and Treasury Management Strategy – Draft Outturn 2022/23.
The Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Peter Britcliffe, reported that there would be additional information added to the report, which would be circulated to Members of the Full Council in respect of an increase in interest rates over 5% and the impact of this to the Council. He pointed out, however, that higher interest rates also had a positive effect on the Council’s investments with an extra increase of £129,000 on the expected investment return.
Resolved (1) That additional information, providing details of the impact of the increase in interest rates to the Council, be circulated to all Members of the Council; and (2) That the report be noted.
Summary of 2022/23 Call In of Cabinet Decisions by Overview and Scrutiny Committees Report attached. Minutes: The Policy and Scrutiny Officer submitted a report to inform Council of the outcome of Cabinet decisions called in by Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 2022/23. Councillor Paddy Short provided details of the decisions called in by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee during 2022-23. The three decisions called in were as follows:
- 103 – Leisure Transformation Project, Cabinet decision date 19th October 2022 - 105 – Subsidised Pest Control Treatments, Cabinet decision date 19th October 2022 - 336 – Hyndburn Leisure Transformation – Investing in the Health of Hyndburn, Cabinet decision date 22nd March 2023.
Details of the decisions called-in and the outcome of Overview and Scrutiny were set out in paragraphs 3.9 – 3.11 of the report.
Resolved - That the Council noted the outcome of the three decisions called in by Overview and Scrutiny Committees in 2022/23.
Minutes of Committees To receive the Minutes of committees, as set out below:
Rules of Debate
· The Leader of the Council will introduce the Minutes as a whole. · Any Member may raise any issue from the Minutes; the Chair of the relevant Committee may respond (5 Minutes). · The Leader of the Council will close the debate (5 Minutes).
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Minutes of the following meetings were submitted:
Councillor Aziz pointed out that the minutes of the Special Overview and Scrutiny Committee were from over 6 months ago and requested that care was taken to ensure that minutes submitted to Council for confirmation, were done in a timely manner.
Resolved - That the Minutes be received and noted. |
Motion(s) submitted on Notice Report attached.
Rules of Debate
· Each motion shall be debated for no more than 20 minutes before being put to the vote. · No more than one and a half hours in totality shall be allowed at each meeting for the debate of all motions. Minutes: The Council considered the following motions submitted under Council Procedure Rule A9:-
1. Martholme Viaduct
The following motion was proposed by Councillor Noordad Aziz and seconded by Councillor Jodi Clements:-
‘That this Council resolves to write to Lancashire County Council to confirm its support for the complete reopening of the Martholme Viaduct as a walkway connecting Hyndburn and Ribble Valley.
The Council also recognises the work of community group Martholme Greenway and its volunteers for the work they undertake in maintaining and improving the footpath around the viaduct.’
Councillor Aziz explained that the viaduct was used regularly by residents and was a Grade II listed structure. He pointed out that it was accessible for both Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley. He paid tribute to Martholme Greenway Community Group who had been campaigning to get the Viaduct open and referred to the need for Lancashire County Council to support the opening of the viaduct.
The Leader of the Council indicated that she supported the motion and suggested that the Ribble Valley was also approached to support the opening.
Councillor Short, Green Party, indicated that he had already contacted Councillors of Read and Simonstone to ask if they would support this. He reported that they would be happy to do this. He supported the reopening of the viaduct but also suggested that Burnley Council was contacted and support sought for the project. He moved the following amendment to the motion which was seconded by Councillor Caroline Montague:
‘That this Council resolves to write to Lancashire County Council to confirm its support for the re-opening of the Martholme Viaduct and completion of the Martholme Greenway to meet Sustrans Route 685 (The Padiham Greenway). This would provide an active travel route connecting the Boroughs of Hyndburn, Ribble Valley and Burnley.
The Council also recognises the work of the group known as Martholme Greenway and its volunteers for the work they undertake in maintaining and improving the footpath around the viaduct.’
As Members had not had the opportunity to consider the amendment to the motion prior to the meeting, it was requested that the meeting adjourned to provide time for parties to consider the new information. The meeting was, therefore, adjourned for 5 minutes.
Members referred to the following issues:
- The motion was welcomed - That walking was good for mental health - There was a need for a good cycle route
After the debate, the amended motion was then put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved (1) That this Council writes to Lancashire County Council to confirm its support for the complete reopening of the Martholme Viaduct as a walkway connecting Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley and for the completion of the Martholme Greenway to meet Sustrans Route 685 (The Padiham Greenway); and
(2) That the Council recognises the work of community group Martholme Greenway Community Group and its volunteers for the work they undertake in maintaining and improving the footpath around the viaduct.
The following motion was proposed by Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 65. |