Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Accrington. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Democratic Services (01254) 380116/380109/380184
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: Mr Steve Riley, Executive Director (Environment), welcomed Honorary Freemen, Honorary Aldermen, Past Mayors, Councillors and Sara Britcliffe MP, as well as friends, family and other honoured guests to the 2023/24 Mayor Making Ceremony, to install the Mayor of the Borough.
Declaration of Mayor - 2023/24 To announce the election of Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2023/24. Minutes: Mr Riley announced that at the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 18th May 2023, Councillor Terry Hurn had been elected Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2023/24. The Mayor read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Mayor and was presented with the Mayoral Fob by Councillor Abdul Khan, Mayor in 2022/23. Councillor Marlene Haworth, Leader of the Council, gave a speech of welcome to the Mayor and his wife Jean, the Mayoress, which was supported by Councillor Munsif Dad BEM JP, Leader of the Labour Group.
The Mayor made his speech of acceptance, in which he recalled his election as a councillor in a by-election some 13 years ago and his subsequent journey to this occasion. He thanked his wife Jean and his family for their support, the previous Leader of the Council, Miles Parkinson OBE for his advice and his predecessor Councillor Abdul Khan for helping him to prepare for the role. He expressed his delight at this honour.
The Mayor concluded by announcing his chosen charities and causes for the year as follows:-
The Mayor then presented a bouquet of flowers to his wife, Jean, the Mayoress.
Declaration of Deputy Mayor - 2023/24 To announce the election of Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2023/24. Minutes: The Mayor announced that at the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 18th May 2023, Councillor Joyce Plummer had been elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2023/24. Councillor Plummer read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Deputy Mayor, following which the Mayor presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Mayor and Mayoress
The Leader of the Council then proposed a formal vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor, Councillor Abdul Khan, and his Mayoress, Mrs Bushra Khan, which was supported by Councillor Munsif Dad BEM JP. Councillor Khan gave a brief speech about his year as Mayor and its many high points, culminating with a trip to the Houses of Parliament as a guest of Sara Britcliffe MP and attendance at the Royal Garden Party. He had been very proud to be asked to represent the Borough. He thanked his wife, family and friends, as well as officers and councillorsfor their support. He wished his successors well for the year ahead.
He announced that the Mayoral Charity fund had raised £15k during his term of office, with his four main charities each receiving £3.5k and the remainder being distributed in equal amounts of £125 to other good causes. He thanked the members of his charity committee, as well as Murray Dawson, Zahida Shamim (Scott Dawson Advertising) and Stephen Lowe (presenter and compere) who had supported his Mayor’s Ball.
The Mayor then presented a badge, framed resolution and gift to the retiring Mayor and some flowers to the retiring Mayoress.
Conferment of the Title of Honorary Freeman In pursuance of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, to confer the title of Honorary Freeman to Ms. Cath Holmes for her exemplary service to the community, particularly in voluntary roles and to improve the natural environment and to Mr. Jawid Hussain for his contribution to business, the local community and charitable works, both in the borough of Hyndburn. Minutes: Members were reminded that at the Council Meeting on 23rd March 2023, in pursuance of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the title of Honorary Freeman had been conferred on Catherine Holmes for her numerous voluntary roles and her work to improve the natural environment in the Borough of Hyndburn and on Jawid Hussain for his contribution to business, the local community and his charitable works in the Borough of Hyndburn.
At the invitation of the Mayor, the Leader of the Council gave a short speech to introduce Ms Holmes and to welcome her and her family and friends to the Council Chamber. Her friend (the Council’s Green Spaces Officer) Shirley Parkinson gave a brief speech about her achievements and Councillors Abdul Khan and Munsif Dad BEM JP each said a few words in support of the award. Thereupon, Ms Holmes signed the Roll of Honour and the Mayor presented her with a badge, certificate and bouquet of flowers. Cath then gave a short speech to accept the honour.
Next, Councillor Abdul Khan gave a brief speech to introduce Jawid Hussain, who he had nominated for this honour during his own Mayor Making ceremony, one year ago. He welcomed him and his family and friends to the event. Councillor Munsif Dad BEM JP and former councillor Mohammad Ayub each said a few words of congratulation. Thereupon, Mr Hussain signed the Roll of Honour and the Mayor presented him with a badge, certificate and a small gift. Jawid then gave a short speech to accept the honour.
The Mayor congratulated all the recipients of the Freeman award and thanked everybody for attending. He then asked all invited guests to join him shortly in the Ballroom for the Civic Celebration meal.